All art prints are sold unframed and carefully packed avoid damage during shipping. All orders will have a tracking number provided by our chosen courier company Australian Post.

Our smaller prints (A4 + A3) are packed flat with backing boards in a recyclable mailer. Larger prints A2 or above are carefully rolled and shipped in mailing tubes.

Free standard shipping is provided for all orders over $100 within Australia.

Standard shipping can typically take anywhere between 4-7 business days to arrive.

Please note that times may increase for regional areas. 


Express shipping has a flat rate of $14.95. When your order is placed, it is popped in the post the next business day. Please allow 2-3 business days for your express shipping order to reach you. Shipping times may increase for regional areas.


International shipping incurs a flat rate of $25 which includes a tracking number on your order.

The shipping times may vary between countries but it can typically take anywhere between 7-28 business days. 


Please choose carefully when deciding to order a print as we are unable to offer returns on items due to change of mind but if the items arrive damaged or lost then replacements or refunds will be issued. Please email me at if you have any problems with your items that you have received.